Traditional Musical Instruments.
Sharing Experiences from the Field
This is the title of the volume published in December 2021 by UNESCO-ICHCAP (International and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO based in the Republic of Korea) and by #Heritage Alive (Working Group established within the FORUM of NGOs accredited to the Intergovernmental Committee of the Unesco Convention on the safeguardof Intangible Cultural Heritage).
Following a decision taken by the Editorial Board of #Heritage Alive at the meeting held in Bogotà (Colombia) from 9 to 14 December 2019 on the occasion of the 14th session of the Intergovernmental Committee, the project to create a publication on traditional musical instruments was launched. with the Call For Papers issued by the Editorial Board itself in the summer of 2020.
The main purpose of the initiative, which was invited to follow in the formulation of the proposed article, was to reflect on and share the experiences of NGOs and fieldwork experts with reference to the challenges faced and the methodology implemented in the activity of safeguarding of musical instruments of respective tradition and competence.
15 contributions were then selected including, as can be seen from the Contents, the one signed by me as president of the Circolo della Zampogna, entitled “Safeguarding the Bagpipe between Tradition and Innovation” and published in Chapter 08.
As the result of a great teamwork of international scope, the creation of the volume was made possible by the support of the Norwegian Craft Institute and the Quebec Council as well as UNESCO-ICHCAP, organisms to which personal and Circolo applause and thanks go. Applause and thanks for the work done also go to Editors in Chief Eivind Falk and Seong-Yong Park, to all the staff of #Heritage Alive and to the Forum of Unesco accredited NGOs.
Last but not least, a grateful and moving thought goes to Albert van der Zeijden, head of the Research and Development Department of the “Dutch Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage”, the Dutch body responsible for the implementation of the Convention on the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in the Netherlands, who died prematurely on 30 July 2021. An active and enthusiastic member of the NGO Forum and the #Heritage Alive Editorial Board- which I had the honor and pleasure of meeting several times at Unesco – the volume was dutifully dedicated to him.
The volume and the play list of songs of the instruments can be downloaded from the following links:
Scapoli, January 9, 2022
Antonietta Caccia